We will now continue from where my computer cut off. John Winston.
Astral beings dead set on mischief and creating the illusion by deception of making you think all is lost. IT IS NOT! Do not fall for this rue to capture and bring your SPIRIT DOWN. accelerate and hold fast to love and you will overcome any obstacle that you might encounter in these uncertain times. Although we are all walking in the valley of death in these times, FEAR NO EVIL. In that Light Chris you are the Remnant the Holy of the Holy and the LIGHT that never deems or goes out. Granted these are hard times for most. But is it real or imagined?
If thought creates and we are in a game of mind, creating our perceptions we call reality, trust only in the Divine Essence Love, and by doing that is where you will end up. In that frequency you are home and connected to everything else ETERNALLY.
Long after this is over and done with the lessons, the experience and the growth will far out weight the feelings you now carry trying to survive the times we are in. There is NO DEATH, it is the illusion that created fear and the means they have construed to make you believe what they want you to believe further control and corrupt your spirit. If you do not fear them or death knowing you are a Spirit their evil intent has no baring on your existence or you lessons here, and they will have failed. Remember a coward dies a thousand deaths but a Spirit never dies, Spirits are eternal.. Remember what jesus taught LOVE is the way into my fathers house.
Chill out we are going to try and see this through with all of you and hopefully the worst will turn into the best and all evil will vanish into it's own area as we go ever higher to exalted realms of existence. This is graduation Chris, failing here is loosing sight of LOVE. This is the final exam all of you will have, to see LOVE as the way to get through this. It's your examination not Ashtars, and as such any early appearance would only ruin your chance in what only you yourself can decide to do. Hang in there.
JW Thanks Walter for your kind words.
John Winston. johnfwin@sonnet.com